Star vs. the Forces of Evil 2015

Animation Action Adventure Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Sci-Fi

Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz, a Mexican-American family. She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that still confuses her.

All Titles
  • US: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil
  • BR: Star vs. As Forças do Mal Star vs. As Forças do Mal
  • BG: Принцеса Бътърфлай в битка със силите на злото Принцеса Бътърфлай в битка със силите на злото
  • FR: Star Butterfly Star Butterfly
  • DE: Star gegen die Mächte des Bösen Star gegen die Mächte des Bösen
  • HU: Csillag kontra Gonosz Erők Csillag kontra Gonosz Erők
  • IT: Marco e Star contro le forze del male Marco e Star contro le forze del male
  • JP: Akuma basuta suta batafurai Akuma basuta suta batafurai
  • NL: Star vs. de Kracht van het Kwaad Star vs. de Kracht van het Kwaad
  • NO: Star vs. mørkets kraft Star vs. mørkets kraft
  • PL: Star Butterfly kontra siły zła Star Butterfly kontra siły zła
  • PT: Star Contra As Forças Do Mal Star Contra As Forças Do Mal
  • RO: Printesa Stea contra Fortelor Raului Printesa Stea contra Fortelor Raului
  • RU: Звёздная принцесса и силы зла Звёздная принцесса и силы зла
  • RS: Zvezdana protiv snaga zla Zvezdana protiv snaga zla
  • ES: Star contra las fuerzas del mal Star contra las fuerzas del mal
  • SE: Star vs. mörkrets makter Star vs. mörkrets makter
  • UA: Стар проти сил зла Стар проти сил зла
  • US: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil
  • US: Star and the Forces of Evil Star and the Forces of Evil
  • : Marco e Star contro le forze del male Marco e Star contro le forze del male
  • US: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil
  • AU: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil
  • BR: Star vs. As Forças do Mal Star vs. As Forças do Mal
  • BG: Принцеса Бътърфлай в битка със силите на злото Принцеса Бътърфлай в битка със силите на злото
  • CA: Star vs. The Forces of Evil Star vs. The Forces of Evil
  • FR: Star Butterfly Star Butterfly
  • DE: Star gegen die Mächte des Bösen Star gegen die Mächte des Bösen
  • HU: Csillag kontra Gonosz Erők Csillag kontra Gonosz Erők
  • IO: Star vs. The Forces of Evil Star vs. The Forces of Evil
  • IT: Marco e Star contro le forze del male Marco e Star contro le forze del male
  • JP: Akuma basuta suta batafurai Akuma basuta suta batafurai
  • JP: 悪魔バスター★スター・バタフライ 悪魔バスター★スター・バタフライ
  • NL: Star vs. de Kracht van het Kwaad Star vs. de Kracht van het Kwaad
  • NO: Star vs. mørkets kraft Star vs. mørkets kraft
  • PL: Star Butterfly kontra siły zła Star Butterfly kontra siły zła
  • PT: Star Contra As Forças Do Mal Star Contra As Forças Do Mal
  • RO: Printesa Stea contra Fortelor Raului Printesa Stea contra Fortelor Raului
  • RU: Звёздная принцесса и силы зла Звёздная принцесса и силы зла
  • RS: Zvezdana protiv snaga zla Zvezdana protiv snaga zla
  • ES: Star contra las fuerzas del mal Star contra las fuerzas del mal
  • SE: Star vs. mörkrets makter Star vs. mörkrets makter
  • UA: Стар проти сил зла Стар проти сил зла
  • US: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Star vs. the Forces of Evil
  • US: Star and the Forces of Evil Star and the Forces of Evil
  • : Marco e Star contro le forze del male Marco e Star contro le forze del male
Released 01 Jan 2015
Links IMDb
